January 2018

Hey everyone!

     It's nice to be back after a nice winter break. Over the break I visited Dallas and Oklahoma City to watch different sporting events, which was really cool since I never spent an extensive amount of time in either city.

     Soon after New Year's, we moved back to New Orleans to begin our second semester. We jumped right back into our brain and behavior unit, which was very manageable since we finished the first of three blocks of this unit.

     As far as community service goes, I am continuing to work with the Salvation Army since I really enjoyed my time working with them last semester! Additionally, I volunteered with some classmates this weekend with Soul NOLA as we planted trees in different neighborhoods. This was a cool experience for me because it gave me an opportunity to see a different part of New Orleans that was very different than what I'm used to. In the coming months, I hope to work with other organizations that will give me the chance to see other cool areas because each area of this city is so different and full of culture.

Until next time,


                                                              (Photo taken from the Soul NOLA Tree Planting Event)

This month's hours: 7
Total semester hours: 7


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